Report damp and mould

At SHP we take damp and mould very seriously and we're working as fast as we can to address reported cases. 

What to do if you notice damp and mould and how we will respond

    1. Contact our Repairs Team immediately via email on or 020 8915 2000.

      • Please state in the subject line ‘damp and mould’ along with your full address.

      • Add as much detail on the issue, for example, if anyone in your household is vulnerable, and include pictures of the affected areas.

    2. We will arrange for a surveyor to visit your property to assess the problem:

      • They will provide a fungicidal spray and sponge and demonstrate the best technique to remove the mould.

      • The surveyor will also inspect any repairs needed to prevent the causes of damp in your property.

    3. While you wait for the surveyors’ visit, follow the below guidance to reduce the build up of mould in your home.

What should I do about damp and mould?

  •  To kill and remove mould, wipe down walls and window frames with a fungicidal wash which carries a Health and Safety Executive ‘approval number’. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions precisely
  • Dry-clean mildewed clothes, and shampoo carpets. Disturbing mould by brushing or vacuum cleaning can increase the risk of respiratory problems so make sure that your home is ventilated while you do this

  • After treatment, redecorate using a good quality fungicidal paint to help prevent mould. Note that this paint is not effective if overlaid with ordinary paints or wallpaper

  • The only lasting way of avoiding severe mould is to eliminate dampness.

Preventing mould and condensation

If your windows are getting steamy or your window ledges are wet then there’s too much moisture in the air. Here are some tips to help you prevent condensation and mould in your home:

Step 1 Temperature Set your heating to come on for a longer period but at a lower temperature; spikes in temperature from very warm to very cold create the perfect conditions for condensation to form. Step 2 Ventilation Make sure you always have your extractor fans on when you’re in the shower or bath, or when you’re cooking, and keep the kitchen or bathroom doors closed too. Step 3 Remove excess water


Step 4 Air rooms Open windows when you can to let fresh air in and moist air out - especially first thing in the morning. Step 5 Dry washing Dry your clothes outside, if you can - if that’s not an option then think about drying them in the bathroom or kitchen, keep the extractor on, a window open and the doors closed. Step 6 Allow air space around furniture Make sure your furniture is away from radiators and external walls as this stops air moving around your home.

Step 7 Put lids on pans Keep lids on your pans when you’re cooking to stop steam escaping. Step 8 Tumble drying If you have a tumble dryer, make sure it’s ventilated outside. Step 9 Clean away mould If you do get mould, use a mould cleaning product to remove it. 

How to avoid damp and mould

These few steps will help you reduce the condensation in your home.

Produce less moisture

Some ordinary daily activities produce a lot of moisture very quickly:

  • Keep kitchen and bathroom doors closed to prevent moist air from spreading to other rooms

  • When cooking, cover pans and do not leave kettles boiling. Try to cook with the kitchen window open/ajar. Use an extractor fan if you have one

  • Do not use bottled gas fires and paraffin heaters: T hese heaters put a lot of moisture into the air. If you have a problem with condensation, try to find an alternative means of heating

  • Impact of drying clothes: wet clothing accounts for one of the largest amounts of moisture generation in the home. Drying them on a radiator is the worst thing that you can do in terms of managing condensation mould. If your only option is to dry your clothes inside then:

    • Use a clothes airer and keep your radiators clear of damp clothing or towels

    • Airers are best positioned where possible in the bathroom as it will be the best ventilated room

    • Keep the door closed and the window slightly open when drying clothes

    • Avoid drying clothes is in the bedroom, as the heating is never in the right cycle and we breathe out moisture during the night, which adds to the moisture from the clothes


The quickest and easiest way to bring in dry air is through opening and shutting of windows. An option is to open a window and count to five and then close it immediately.

If you get cold whilst opening the window then that is too long.

The object is not to ‘air’ the house for hours at a time. The golden rule is to do this in each room before you do any activity such as having a bath or shower, or cooking.

It should also be done as you get up in the morning to allow any moisture that has built up in the house overnight to evaporate. 

You can ventilate your home without making draughts. Try these tips to help increase ventilation in your home:

  • Keep a small window ajar or a trickle ventilator open when someone is in the room. You need much more ventilation in the kitchen and bathroom when cooking, washing up, bathing and drying clothes
  • If you can, use a humidistat controlled electric fan (these come on automatically when the air becomes humid, and are cheap to run)

  • Close the kitchen and bathroom doors when these rooms are in use even if your kitchen or bathroom has an extractor fan - doing this will help stop the moisture reaching other rooms, especially bedrooms, which are often colder and more likely to suffer condensation

  • Ventilate cupboards and wardrobes: don’t overfill cupboards or wardrobes as this prevents air circulation

  • Cut a ventilation slot in the back of each shelf or use slatted shelves  

  • Cut ‘breather’ holes in doors and in the back of wardrobes

  • If you can, put wardrobes and cupboards against internal, not external, walls and leave a gap of 2”, or 50mm, behind wardrobes/cupboards on external walls

For leaseholders

If you own your own home and intend to replace your window units at any time, make sure that the new frames incorporate trickle ventilators.

Insulation in the loft, cavity wall insulation and draught proofing of windows and outside doors will help keep your home warm and you will have lower fuel bills as well. When the whole home is warmer, condensation is less likely.

Help with insulation costs

Check your eligibility for support from the government’s Great British Insulation Scheme.