Plans & Performance
Please find below our long-term plans and key documents.
Delivery Plan
Sutton-Housing-Partnership-Delivery-Plan-2024---2027-2 (1).pdf [pdf] 3MB
SHP Delivery Plan 2021_42 - 2023_24 Update.pdf [pdf] 2MB
SHP Delivery Plan 2022 - 23 Update (PDF, 1MB)
SHP Delivery Plan 2021 - 2024 (PDF, 1.4MB)
Governance statement
Annual Governance Statement 2023-24.pdf [pdf] 184KB
Annual Governance Statement 2022_23.pdf [pdf] 158KB
Annual Governance Statement 2021_22 (PDF, 3MB)
Annual Accounts
Key documents
SHP - Building Safety - Resident Engagement Strategy - A4.pdf [pdf] 6MB
Resident Engagement Policy Sept 2023.pdf [pdf] 101KB
Value For Money Strategy 2020 (PDF, 248KB)
SHP Service Standards (PDF, 459KB)
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2020.pdf [pdf] 169KB
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Every resident will be asked to take part in a telephone survey at least once within a two-year period, giving you the opportunity to tell us how you think we are performing.
Our performance
Our performance indicators measure how we are doing and how satisfied residents are.
We also use these indicators to manage our day-to-day work and report to Sutton Council's Housing, Economy and Business Committee.
We benchmark our performance against other housing providers in London and England by submitting data and information to HouseMark.
Quarter 2 2024/25
SHP TSM_KPI Data 24_25.pdf [pdf] 103KB
Quarter 1 2024/25
SHP TSM_KPI Data Q1 24_25 - TSM's.pdf [pdf] 88KB
SHP TSM_KPI Data Q1 24_25 - KPI's.pdf [pdf] 81KB
End of Year Performance 2023/24
SHP TSM_KPI Data 23_24 - TSM's.pdf [pdf] 89KB
SHP TSM_KPI Data 23_24 - KPI's.pdf [pdf] 69KB
End of Year Performance 2022/23
End of Year 22-23 Performance Report.pdf [pdf] 371KB
If you'd like to get more involved in monitoring SHP's performance, you're welcome to join our Performance Committee.
If you would like to request a copy of an older quarterly performance report please email
Annual reports
SHP Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf [pdf] 2MB
SHP Annual Report 2022-23.pdf [pdf] 1MB
SHP Annual Report 2021-22 (PDF, 3MB)
SHP Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 567KB)
If you would like to request a copy of an older Annual Report please email