1. Home

  2. Your home

    1. Independent Living accommodation and targeted housing support for 55+
      1. Independent Living accommodation
      2. Sutton Connect
      3. Your Independent Living Officers
      4. Independent Living schemes
      5. Events and activities in Independent Living
      6. Independent Living case studies
    2. Managing your money
      1. Help with the cost of living
      2. Rent arrears
      3. Applying for benefits
      4. Budgeting and saving
      5. Illegal money lenders
      6. Support with debt
    3. Your tenancy
      1. Paying rent during a 53 week rent year (2024/25)
      2. Moving into your home
      3. Managing your tenancy
      4. Buy your home - Right to Buy
      5. Tenancy sustainment
    4. Managing your account
      1. Account payments, refunds and recharges
    5. Home owners
      1. Selling your leasehold home to us
      2. Leasehold service charges
      3. Service charge and mortgage arrears
      4. Leasehold alterations
      5. Leasehold major works and consultation
      6. Insuring, selling or extending your lease
      7. Subletting your leasehold property
        1. Your legal requirements and lease conditions when subletting your property
    6. Energy efficiency
      1. Energy efficient homes - the Energiesprong approach
      2. Reducing your fuel bills
    7. Domestic abuse
      1. What is domestic abuse? 
      2. Sutton Housing Partnership’s domestic abuse policy
      3. Tell us – report domestic abuse
      4. Help for people experiencing domestic abuse
      5. Help for perpetrators of domestic abuse
    8. Insurance
      1. Contents insurance
      2. Leasehold buildings insurance
    9. Repairs, maintenance and safety
      1. Reporting Out of Hours Emergency Repairs
      2. CCTV for domestic use
      3. Window safety
      4. Asbestos
      5. Gas and electrical safety
      6. Fire safety
        1. Fire doors
        2. Fire risk assessments
        3. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)
      7. Repairs and maintenance
  3. Your neighbourhood

    1. Estate standards
      1. Estate service standards guide
        1. Estate standards for cleaning
        2. Estate standards for blocks and estates
        3. Estate standards for grounds maintenance
      2. Estate inspections
        1. Estate inspections January 2025
        2. Estate inspections February 2025
        3. Estate inspections March 2025
        4. Estate inspections April 2025
        5. Estate inspections May 2025
        6. Estate inspections June 2025
        7. Estate inspections July 2025
        8. Estate inspections August 2025
        9. Estate inspections September 2025
        10. Estate inspections October 2025
        11. Estate inspections November 2025
        12. Estate inspections December 2025
      3. Community walkabouts
        1. Community walkabout action plans
      4. Grounds maintenance
      5. Caretaking
      6. Waste and recycling
      7. Clear communal spaces
    2. Resident engagement mornings
    3. Resident involvement and associations
    4. Community development
      1. Employment and skills
        1. St Helier Job Club
      2. Financial inclusion
      3. Health and wellbeing
        1. Community Food Shop
      4. Fuel poverty
      5. Young people
    5. Your Housing Manager
    6. The Housing Portfolio
    7. Community events
      1. Shanklin Village Hub
  4. Report. Request. Apply.

    1. Report it
      1. Report a repair online
      2. Report a repair
      3. Report anti-social behaviour
        1. Community Trigger
        2. Resolving problems with neighbours
        3. Tips for reducing noise in the home
      4. Report a safeguarding issue
      5. Report an empty property
      6. Report an abandoned vehicle
      7. Report tenancy fraud
      8. Report a tree requiring inspection
      9. Report fly-tipping
      10. Report graffiti
      11. End a tenancy
      12. Make a complaint
        1. Reporting a disrepair
      13. Report the death of a tenant
    2. Request it
      1. Request a gas safety check
      2. Request a parking permit
      3. Request a leasehold sellers pack
      4. Aid and adaptation
      5. Request a property inspection
      6. Permission to keep a pet
      7. Permission to sublet your property or take in a lodger
      8. Permission to alter a property
      9. Freedom of information request
      10. Permission to speak on behalf of a resident
      11. Subject access request
    3. Apply for it
      1. Apply for council housing
      2. Apply for a travellers site pitch
      3. Garage or parking bay
      4. Move Home (Mutual Exchange)
  5. Your Feedback

  6. Work for us

    1. Current vacancies
    2. Working at SHP - your career, pay and benefits
    3. Disability Confident Employer
    4. Sell to us
  7. About us

    1. Purpose, Priorities and Vision
      1. Sutton Delivery Plan: Key Themes for 2024-2027
      2. Our Customer Service Standards
        1. Customer Contact and Information
        2. Resident Involvement
        3. Tenancy Management
        4. Home Ownership
        5. Anti-Social Behaviour
        6. Aids and Adaptations
        7. Estate Cleaning
        8. Grounds Maintenance
        9. Day to Day Repairs
        10. Major Repairs and Improvement
        11. Risk and Compliance / Cyclical Maintenance
        12. Allocations and Lettings
        13. Mutual Exchanges
        14. Independent Living
        15. Sutton Connect
        16. Complaints
        17. Governance, Performance and Information
    2. Board & Leadership team
      1. Board Members
      2. Meet the Chair - Steve Bullock
      3. Board Reports and Meeting Dates
      4. Board Declarations of Interest
      5. Historic Board Reports
      6. Board Q&A Sessions 
    3. Plans & Performance
      1. Tenant Satisfaction Measures
    4. Data Protection, Privacy & Transparency
      1. Privacy Notice
      2. Terms and conditions
    5. Accessibility Statement
    6. Equality and Diversity
  8. Contact us

  9. News