We will only collect personal information when we need this. The type of information we need from you will vary depending on our relationship with you. When we ask you for information, we will make it clear why we need it. We will also make it clear when you do not have to provide us with information and any consequences of not providing this.
Most information we hold will be collected from you but we may also obtain this from third parties such as the local authority or a previous landlord.
We collect information from you (as applicable):
* When you provide information about household members we assume that you do so with their full knowledge and consent.
Provision of some of the information requested by us is part of a ‘contractual requirement’. Without this information, we will be unable to accept an application for services. For example, we cannot see if you are eligible for a tenancy without being able to verify your identity.
Where enquiries relate to household members, it is in our legitimate interests to know who will be living in our premises, to check that accommodation offered is adequate for current and near future needs of the household, to check that household members’ needs are being met and to ensure that the local community will have quiet enjoyment of their homes.
Provision of the information is a ‘contractual requirement’. Without this information, we may be unable to manage your services. For example, we cannot consult with you about changes to your service if we do not hold your contact details.
Where enquiries relate to household members, it is in our legitimate interests to know who is living in the premises, to check that accommodation remains adequate for current and near future needs of the household, to check that household members’ needs are being met and to ensure that the local community has quiet enjoyment of their homes.
To meet your needs in our service delivery
To ensure our services are accessible, that we take account of any support needs in our dealings with you and to improve our communications with you. For example, if you are involved with a carer, social worker or other advocate, if there are considerations we need to apply when we visit you at home, if you need large print or translated text.
When profiling you for services and to target our resources.
Where processing information about you or your household members, we may have a legal or contractual obligation to process this information for example to provide inclusive services.
It is also in our legitimate interests to ensure that service delivery meets the needs of our service user and their household.
To prevent fraud and illegal sub-letting and to confirm eligibility for housing - We will ask for proof of ID e.g. Tenancy Sign-ups or subsequent Tenancy Audits, when the housing composition changes or a reasonable period of time has passed (this applies to all household members over the age of 18).
Processing for the purpose of fraud prevention is required in order to meet our legal obligations. Therefore if we are unable to verify your identity we may not be able to provide services to you.
Provision of information requested for this purpose is required in preparation for entering into ‘contractual relations’. Without this information, we will be unable to manage this legal process.
Where the processing of information concerns household members, it is in our legitimate interests to do this. e.g. to ensure we understand all legal effects that a process may have.
When you engage with our additional guidance, advice and support services - For example if we support you to improve your financial circumstances, we may hold detailed information about your household income and expenditure.
If you ask Sutton Connect to provide support requirements we may hold detailed information about your needs and where relevant, records of payments for the services provided to you.
Provision of information requested by us may form part of a ‘contractual requirement’. Without this information, we may not be able to provide this service.
Where processing also concerns household members, it is in our legitimate interests to ensure that we are meeting the needs and expectations of all service users.
To understand how we’re performing - We undertake call recordings for training and quality monitoring purposes.
We may use your contact details to carry out market research and customer satisfaction surveys to help us to monitor our performance and to improve our services to our customers.
To segment customers to help target our resources and prioritise services.
In managing and analysing complaints.
For statistical analysis.
It is in our legitimate interests to understand how we are performing so we can meet our purpose, vision and responsibilities.
There may also be a legal obligation for us to process the information or to demonstrate that we are fulfilling our obligations, for example around anti-discrimination laws.
See our table of information we collect and legal basis