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Benhill Action Day

Photo of SHP staff at Benhill Action Day

On Wednesday 28 August 2024, Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP) hosted an Estate Action Day at Benhill Estate as part of our latest initiative in collaboration with Sutton Federation of Tenants and Residents Associations (SFTRA) . These Estate Action Days are designed for SHP to engage with residents across the borough, providing them with an opportunity to report any outstanding issues or repairs.

SHP teams were on-site all day, addressing various tasks identified during our previous walkabout on Thursday 8 August 2024.

Our Tree Team was busy trimming back overgrown trees encroaching on tenants' properties, as well as removing brambles and overgrown shrubs throughout the estate. The Repairs Team focused on replacing old fencing and repairing various walls that had previously collapsed. The Major Works Team was also on-site after their contractors had completed work the previous day. However, upon inspection, the work did not meet our standards, so the contractors were sent back to correct it.

SHP staff took the time to meet with residents to discuss concerns, with the main issues being anti-social behaviour and large groups of young people gathering in certain areas of the estate. Residents also expressed concerns about not being kept informed about repairs and ongoing fly-tipping on the estate.

We made it clear to residents that we are taking their concerns seriously and are committed to addressing the issues raised. This was our first Action Day, we had some really positive feedback from the residents of Benhill and look forward to carrying out more in the future. 


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