
Repair Week 2025

Someone repairing a coat

London Repair Week take place (3 - 9 March) this year.

More and more residents in Sutton are reusing and repairing their belongings and it is vital that we all do our best to keep items in use for as long as possible to help the environment and our wallets!

London Repair Week aims to raise awareness and help people grow skills to repair their household items. Repairing broken items instead of discarding them helps extend their lifespan, reducing waste and conserving valuable resources. 

By choosing to fix rather than throw away, you can cut down on carbon emissions from manufacturing, minimise waste and continue enjoying a high-quality, long-lasting product. Repairing not only benefits the environment but also saves you money on buying new items and helps build a more sustainable community.

One of the most urgent challenges facing us all is fighting climate change and helping to build more resilient, low carbon towns and cities. However, repair can also help you tackle the rising cost of replacing items - it is usually cheaper to repair a good item than going out and purchasing a brand new one. 

If you have items to repair and don’t know where to start, why not visit Sutton Repair Cafe ’s Repair Week event on Saturday 8 March at YourSpace in Sears Park. Sutton Repair Cafe and Ruskin Road Repair Cafe  in Carshalton both hold monthly events where residents can take broken items for repair by local volunteers. The South London Zero Waste Map also lists a variety of local repair services, such as bicycles, clothing and electricals. 

You can also visit Sutton’s Library of Things to find out more about items you can hire - from sanders and drills to carpet cleaners and party goods - saving you money instead of buying! While there, check out the range of library books to help you pick up new repair skills, such as sewing or woodwork. 

If you’re looking for furniture, bicycles or small electricals to test your new repair skills on, check out the Reuse Shop at Sutton Council’s Recycling Centre on Kimpton Park Way. It is a great place to browse bric-a-brac or find your next upcycling project. Likewise, if you’re thinking of throwing away items that are in good working condition and can be reused, you can donate them to the Reuse Shop.

When an item is beyond reuse or repair, please remember to always recycle it appropriately. Small electricals, wooden furniture, appliances and textiles can all be taken to the recycling centre, or recycled locally. You can find out the best place for recycling via the Let’s Recycle recycling locator.


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