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Woodcote Road Passivhaus

On Wednesday 9 October, SHP staff had the opportunity to tour the 11 newly completed flats at the Woodcote Road Passivhaus. The event featured a speech by Councillor Jake Short, followed by a speech from Madame Deputy Mayor, who also handed over the keys to the first resident.

A Passivhaus is an ultra energy-efficient building, designed to significantly reduce heating and cooling costs, leading to lower energy bills while maintaining a comfortable living environment year-round.

New tenant, Mrs Jean Legg, said about the new development:

“These brand new homes in Wiltshire House are amazing. 

“With energy costs going up all the time, it’s good that they are built to keep bills down. They are also really roomy and light.

“It’s great that the Council is building new affordable homes for local residents and to such a high standard. I am so looking forward to moving into my new home here.”

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