We understand pests are a nuisance and can become a health risk. We have made our responsibilities around pest control clearer, so you'll know what to do if they do become an issue.
Your responsibilities for dealing with pests
You are responsible for dealing with pests in your home.
Infestations can be caused by many factors including poor waste disposal and the availability of food. You are also responsible for making sure steps are taken to avoid infestations.
The British Pest Control Association (opens in new window) has lots of useful information and advice for tackling pests
The council does not provide pest control as part of its services but their environmental health team provides information on pest control (opens in new window) and how to call in a professional pest controller.
Our responsibilities for dealing with pests
We are responsible for preventing pests from entering your home. We are responsible for dealing with pests when it is proven an infestation is due to a design fault or damage to the exterior of the property.
We can provide advice and seal up holes in the building where mice, rats, squirrels, or birds are entering.
Where our contractors are unable to carry out their work due to pests, e.g. a wasp nest, we will employ a pest control company to deal with the pests so the work can be done.