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Board Meeting

Sutton Housing Partnership is transforming its services to ensure residents are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to making sure your voice is heard, and we invite you to participate in our Board meetings.

Each Sutton Housing Partnership Board meeting now features a dedicated resident Question and Answer session. This is your opportunity to engage directly with SHP's Managing Director, Steve Tucker, along with our Executive Management Team and Board of Directors.

Following the Managing Director's report, which Steve presents at the start of each meeting, residents are welcome to ask their questions. While you're invited to stay for the entire public meeting, you're not required to do so. Whether you stay for the full session or only for the Q&A, we encourage your participation.

If you cannot attend in person, you can still submit a written question by sending it to us at least 5 days before the meeting.

The agenda and related documents will be available online shortly before each meeting, and you can find past reports and future meeting dates on the ‘Board reports and meeting dates’ page.

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 25 September at 5:30pm. 

If you have any questions or would like to attend please let us know in advance by emailing 


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