Tenancy conditions consultation
We have written to all Sutton Housing Partnership tenants with regards to our tenancy conditions consultation. Sutton Housing Partnership (SHP), as managing agents on behalf of the London Borough of Sutton (LBS) has a duty to consult with secure tenants on matters of housing management which are likely to affect them, such as changes to the tenancy conditions.
From time to time, the Council needs to make changes to the tenancy conditions. This is to ensure we are able to manage your tenancy effectively, and that the conditions align with Regulatory, Government, or Council directives and reflect feedback and issues you have raised with us. We also need to make sure our conditions allow us to manage our tenancies and estates to a standard we would all like to see.
This consultation is undertaken in accordance with Section 105(5) of the Housing Act 1985 and sets out how SHP, on behalf of the landlord, will enable its secure and introductory tenants who are likely to be affected by matters of housing management, be informed of the proposal to amend the tenancy conditions and make their views known to us within a specified period of 30 days.
The consultation period will run from 21 July 2023 to 15 September 2023 and residents will be able to participate in the process and comment on the proposals, by:
completing and returning the questionnaire tenants will receive.
replying to our dedicated email address customercare@suttonhousingpartnership.org.uk
by post.
by telephone.
To ensure the 30 day consultation period absorbs any postage delays, You can provide observations or feedback by no later than 15 September 2023
SHP and the Council will take into account all representations made before any final decisions are made on the proposals.
For more information you can contact People & Place lead Clive Green clive.green@suttonhousingpartnership.org.uk or our Housing Officer team on 0208 915 2000