We want you on Board!
We are looking for Residents with drive and enthusiasm to use their own lived experience to contribute to shaping SHP and delivering great services for all our residents and our communities. The Board is seeking to be diverse and represent the community we serve, that is why we need new resident board members.
SHP has a learning programme to support all Board Members and successful applicants will receive a full induction programme and support. Experience within Social Housing or being on a Board is not required.
To find out more about the roles, and how you can apply, please read our Resident Board Member Recruitment Pack.pdf [pdf] 3MB or you can either completed the application form or send through your CV with a short covering letter explaining why you would like to apply for the role and return to mdoffice@suttonhousingpartnership.org.uk
For an informal and confidential discussion about the role, please contact mdoffice@suttonhousingpartnership.org.uk. The Head of Governance & Information, Gillian McTaggart or Steve Bullock, Chair of the Board would be happy to discuss the role with you.