
White Ribbon Day: Ending Gender Based Violence

25 November is White Ribbon Day. This date is part of a global movement to end male violence against women and girls. The White Ribbon Campaign aims to change the conventional narrative around violence against women and girls–as solely a women’s issue.

Instead, men are invited to be part of the solution to combat violence against women and girls by taking the White Ribbon Pledge:

I promise to Never Use, Excuse or Remain Silent about Men’s Violence Against Women and Girls.”—White Ribbon Pledge

White Ribbon on the High Street

  • In observance of White Ribbon day on 24 November Sutton will be hosting an event at Trinity Square and at the Shinner and Sudtone (SM1 DT). The event will run from 10am-4pm
  • This event features a variety of table top activities and interactive games and is a great opportunity to engage with the community members to raise awareness of male violence against women and girls.
  • To show support we are encouraging more male colleagues to participate.
  • If you are interested, please contact with your availability.

16 Days of Actions

  • Starting on White Ribbon Day, Sutton will take part in a sixteen days of actions campaign to raise awareness of male violence against women and girls. The campaign starts on 24 November (Sutton’s White Ribbon Day) and ends on 10 December (World Human Rights Day).  
  • The initiative features a variety of awareness events and support sessions. These events will give you the tools you need to call out abusive and sexist behaviour both in the workplace and in the community.

Represent Sutton at Building Safer Streets Conference

On the 30 of November, Sutton Women’s Centre will host a conference on how to make Sutton’s Streets a safer place for women and girls. Please see this pamphlet for more information.

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